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  • Publish Date: 11-03-2024 15:26:04 |
  • Contact: augustineone |
  • Location: Florida 85323 |
  • Place: Pheonix, AZ |
  • 351 times displayed |


As one
travels through each day, wherever he or she may live, and work. One must come
across those who don’t care about, their lives; don’t believe in “God”, those
that hate what job they may toil at, those that don’t want to give or help
those who are in need because of “Tragedy”, be it life threatening storms,
Floods, Sickness or Injury! We wonder how it is that these lives became the way
they are. I am amazed at how when lives go skelter, it is always someone else’s
fault. Those that take no responsibility for the choices they made that got
them to this road or crossroads in their lives. We see men and woman with no
physical impairments, begging on street corners rather than joining the rest of
adults working to feed their “Families and Dreams” and not taking a handout
that is undeserving! Handouts are for those who cannot work due to sickness,
injuries from accidents, or injuries sustained fighting in wars. We should help
those who have difficulty in focusing or doing because of tragedies, disease,
or trauma in their lives! I am amazed that people do not seek the professional
help in treatment and aid that they deserve! Our hand-ups and handouts from
Government Agencies should not be discriminatory because of race, creed, religion,
or nationality. There are times when people seek help but do not get the help
to which they are entitled because they are of a different “Race”!

One should not try to “stop” discrimination,
by applying “reverse discrimination”! Our Spirits and Souls are not red, white,
black, or yellow, God made our “Spirits” colorless! Jesus Christ did not “Discriminate”
as to who he would bring “The New Gospel” to in his preaching and teachings!

I am amazed that it is unfortunate that we can
help so many people in so many other countries with more quality “Education,
Job Training, Food, and Money, but we don’t take the time, tax revenue to
assist our own young men and women to learn Specialty Training for jobs or even
starting a “Family Business”! Our government bends over backwards to help
“Foreigners” coming into our great country with job and business funding, and
even Income Tax Relief, but not our country’s young men and woman with the same
ambitions and dreams. There is discrimination in so many places at private,
government and workplace levels that it amazes me that we can help everyone but
our own compatriots! Jesus Christ said, “give a man a fish you feed him for
a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for life
.” People do not want
handouts, they are demeaning, but they have qualities, talents, creativeness, which
can “be born” in special workshops with financial aid from government or
private industry. This will create more jobs in the workplace and not more
“welfare recipients”! God wants each and everyone of us to succeed in this life
that we have been given, no matter who we are, the color of our skin, our
religious belief or nationality!

It is so
unfortunate that so many rich, poor, atheist, church goers, business owners,
corporate CEOs, employes, and the public, have lost their way in this life.
Lost their way for whatever reason, be it “Good or Bad,” financial windfalls or
bankruptcy, marital breakup, the loss of a loved one. They cannot find a way to
navigate their way to a better and more fulfilling life! So many times, when
things are not going well, depression, fear, and insecurity sets in and you cannot
seem to find a fix for the problems in your life, when it could be an amazingly
simple thing to do! I am amazed that so many people confronted with
overwhelming problems, let “worry” overcome them and give up because they think
there is no way out! This leads to other problems such as alcohol,
drugs, martial problems, loss of jobs, suicide, and recklessness in their lives.

when you’re tired, weary and all alone, that is when you must reach out to “Our
Heavenly Father”! Reach out to Jesus Christ, Our Savior, for “Change” to
come about in your life that will also bring about “Change” for all
those you love! Many speak about bringing “Change”, but somehow it rarely comes

“Heavenly Father” created this beautiful world for his “Creation” you and me.
Since “Adam and Eve” in “The Garden of Eden,” God has given to all of us! It
seems there are those individuals that only relish the joys in their lives and
complain about what they do not have. God gave us “Life” that we may create, a living
for ourselves, families, and to “Give” back to God! God gave us the ability to
think, to confront problems that poise a threat to us, so that we can overcome
them! God gave us the “strength,” to go forth when it seems so impossible. God
gave us a “belief” called “faith”, that one can endure the trials and
tribulations of life and not falter, not let fear or anything stop us. God is
always with us, about us, loving us no matter how terrible we may at times be!
“God’s Love” is an “Endless, Breathtaking, without “Prejudice,” and “He” has
given each and everyone of us the ability, to be “Reaffirmed,” in “The Son of
God, Jesus Christ,” and brought back into “God’s Realm”, when we are “lost”.
Being “Born Again” in Jesus Christ; our “Sins,” washed away, a “New Beginning”
with Our Lord Jesus Christ, guiding us all in our “New Life” forward! God our
“Creator” can do “All” that we have not the compacity to even imagine, so when
you say to someone that you love and care about, “God be with You,” God can be
with you and all those that call upon “Him”! When you need that guidance and
help in your life, call upon the Son of God, Our Savior who died for all of us
on the cross at “Calvery”. Tortured, sneered, abused for “Speaking Truth”, in
“His” Gospel that he preached. Sacrificing his life, so that our “Sins” could
be forgiven, and one could have the “Promise of Eternal Life”, when our
physical life on earth is ended.

It's amazing
at the “Goodness” in this world too. If you close your eyes to not see it, you
will miss the countless important things in this world and in the “Life” that
you have! The “Goodness” as when a person puts their lives, themselves in
danger to help save another human life. God created animals that have the same
human compassion, when they intercede to save a human life, or protect that
life from dangers or even protect other animals in despair. What God created in
all of us is “Love”, and there is no greater love, when one sacrifices their “life”
to “Save” another. That is how “Majestic, Absolute and Never ending”, is the
“Love” of Jesus Christ! “He” who as The Son of God, laid down is life as a sacrifice
for man, so that “Our Sins”, past, present and future could be forgiven! Let
Jesus Christ be in your life, to help guide you through it, ask for your sins
to be forgiven, follow his “Commandments”, and accept his promise of Eternal
Life at the end of this physical life on earth. “Let Jesus Christ be with you
and go in peace.”

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