Classifieds - Yukon

Auto offer Vehicle



2005 Honda Civic SE 1.7 lt motor. New tires, new brake lines front to back. New oil pan, new thermostat & anti freeze too. E tested for two yrs too. Has a cracked windshied, tires new in fall of 2017....

Apartment Community  offer Commercial Real Estate

Apartment Community

Commercial Real Estate

240 units built in 2002, San Antonio, Texas 160 units built in 1999/2000 Kansas City 120 homes built 2007/2008 San Antonio Gross income $5.6 million per year. Also 14 acre land with approved plan...

Carpenters and Carpenter Helpers offer Construction Jobs

Carpenters and Carpenter Helpers

Construction Jobs

Carpenters and Carpenter Helpers to do scaffolding and decking on Parkades, and High RisesMust have own transportation.Health Benefits can be provided when you have worked for the Company for three mo...

Office /Retail Store Front  offer Commercial Lease

Office /Retail Store Front

Commercial Lease

600 SFT Furnishesd Office Good Location Available Feb 1, 2018 Parking on street and lot. Perfect for Barber Shop or Nail Salon. ...

Burial Plot offer Items For Sale

Burial Plot

$8200Items For Sale

Lot Old Rugged Cross Lot#210 Space-C-2 ValleyView Cemetery in Surrey Bc...

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