Classifieds - Milwaukee

Complete Auto Repair Service  offer Auto Services

Complete Auto Repair Service

Auto Services

Formerly known as Jerry's Automotive in Niagara Wi. Is now Carne's Automotive. Hourly rates of $55/hour is one of the cheapest in the area. For inquiries or to schedule an appointment please call (715...

Country Home offer House For Rent

Country Home

$995House For Rent

Lovely 3 bedroom ranch with studio that can be a 4th bedroom. Range, new dishwasher, refrigerator/freezer, new hot water heater and recent efficiency furnace. No sewer or water bills. Nice large dry...

2002 Chrysler Concorde offer Car

2002 Chrysler Concorde


Dark Blue 2002 Concorde; 122,000 apr miles, good shape. Asking 2750 Negotiable ...

2005 Nissan 350Z  Georgia car   offer Car

2005 Nissan 350Z Georgia car


southern car no rust ... 200k highway miles new tires, new brakes, minor scratches in some areas,,, runs great, auto trans, black with black interior ...

Coat Hook  offer Kid Stuff

Coat Hook

Kid Stuff

Coat hook with the name "KATIE" - $10.00...

Traveling Magic Hands offer Service

Traveling Magic Hands



GE Profile White Convection Oven offer Appliances

GE Profile White Convection Oven


Excellent condition, $240.00...

Apartment with Paid Utilities offer Apartment For Rent

Apartment with Paid Utilities

Apartment For Rent

Upper one bedroom - available Feb. 1, 2018Paid utilities, walk-in closet, garage, laundry facilities - $675 a month1706 Banks, Superior, Wisconsin 54880218-310-1168 or 608-564-2402...

cabinets offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

I have two cabinets the white one is 71 and a half tall 29 and 3_4 w and 15 and a half width right side locks. The brown desplay cabinet is 6 feet 3 and a half inches tall and 30 inches wide.. Asking ...

Couch for sale offer Home and Furnitures

Couch for sale

Home and Furnitures

Needed a hideabed so am selling a beautiful, like new cream colored couch. Very durable upholstery and very well made. Non-smoking household. The depth is 40 in. and the length is 90 in. $170.00...

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