Your basic Outdoor Aluminum Ramp w/both Hand Railings... Lightly used, in good shape, all parts available. No deliveries, must be picked up upon purchase. Serious inquiries only please! Thanks in adva...
High quality Denture starting $279.00 per Arch set up appointment call 312 256 6760...
River City Dental lab located in Kenosha Wisconsin offering Same day Denture repair service please call 3122566860 to make appointment....
$50 — Home Services —
Ricer City Dental offering low cost affordable Same day denture service in kennosha Will to secdule appointment please call 312 256 6860...
Needed Dog Nanny in exchange for free room and board, also have a Car to use. Nice house, furnished, own living room , own bathroom. # West highland Terriers. Plz no kids, smokers, or pets, call 715-2...
2 arm chairs and two side chairs. High quality. All four for $100.00...
Whirlpool dryer for sale $50 or best offer...
Consolidated Dutchwest wood stove for sale. Model number FA209CL. Original manual included. $65 ...
3/4 inch slate pool table for sale with balls and cues. $50...