196 chevy blazer
SUV — 02-24-2020
$1200.00 1996 S-10 Blazer 180k miles new parts good shape...
SUV — 02-24-2020
4×4 360 motor great shape inside like new lots of new parts need transmission 1200.00...
Community — 02-10-2020
Hello we clean business' and homes. Basic and deep cleaning available!...
Clothes — 02-10-2020
One size 4 all black long. Second red with gold down it size 8 250 for both or best offer...
$550 — Apartment For Rent — 02-06-2020
2 bedroom, 1 bath, large living room, carpeted, heat/air, washer/dryer hookup, large covered porch, quite neighborhood, within walking distance of bank, post office, city building, doctors office, pha...
Lawn and Garden — 12-09-2019
2005 exmark diesel mower 72 inch cut, liquid cooled runs good 1900 hours. 4,000$ or best offer. Perfer call only 304-419-6220...
Lawn and Garden — 10-26-2019
Like new North Star generator. Electric start Honda motor. Has the wheel kit also. Garage kept and in excellent condition. ...
Items For Sale — 10-11-2019
I have a new exercise bike trying to sell for a friend.. The name of it is body rider. It has the fan wheel. Person got sick right after she bought it and never got to use it. She had It for approx 2 ...
House For Sale — 08-24-2019
937 Greenbrier St., below Northgate, 3 BR, 2 Story; gas stove, washer, dryer, need rooms painted, TLC, low cost, call 304/382-3503. Leave message. Possible RTO with small down pay....
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