Mobile mechanic 30 years experience, low rates.
Auto Services — 03-15-2018
I will repair your vehicle at home or elsewhere. $45 service fee plus $60 an hour labor. Call Richard 253-268-5577...
Auto Services — 03-15-2018
I will repair your vehicle at home or elsewhere. $45 service fee plus $60 an hour labor. Call Richard 253-268-5577...
Professional Services — 03-15-2018
Hello my name is Ryan and I am a licensed contractor. I specialise in Windows, roofs, gutters, pressure washing, landscaping, tree removal and fences.Please give me a call and we can discuss the detai...
Professional Services — 03-15-2018
Hello my name is Ryan and I am a licensed contractor. I specialise in Windows, roofs, gutters, pressure washing, landscaping, tree removal and fences.Please give me a call and we can discuss the detai...
Car — 03-14-2018
I have a 1996 Toyota Camry it needs a cluch but i will part ot out or sell the hole car just let me know what you need. It has 4 cylinder 5 speed transmission. Please make me a offer on it will consid...
Professional Services — 03-13-2018
Local Wedding and Event Planner Available. Do you have a celebration coming up and have no time to plan? Let me decrease some of your stress and help you plan your next event. Graduations, birthdays ...
Home and Furnitures — 03-13-2018
Good shape and works fine, no stains!Head and foot adjustable $80.00...
$550 — Home and Furnitures — 03-13-2018
We have Titanium Granite left from our kitchen remodel. It is an absolutely beautiful stone. We have one large slab and two smaller ones:Large: 92 inches x 35.5 inches (7.7' x 2.96' = 22.8 sq ft)Small...
Tools — 03-13-2018
17' ladder, 8' Step Ladder, 52" Scaffold Ladder, load capacity 300#.Folds like an M, four different sections to set."Ultimate by Louisville", Model L-2003-17.Brand new, perfect condition, never used....
Motorcycle — 03-10-2018
1995 Harley Davidson Fat boy. 96ci motor , 5spd , saddle bags. 4,900 approx on rebuilt motor an trans . need TLC . 5,000.......
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