Sectional couch
$350 — Home and Furnitures — 07-23-2018
Dark green down sectional couch 80” x100” x40. Great shape. East to sleep on. It is in a basement and will need to be moved through a good outside entrance. Owners are unable to help move....
$350 — Home and Furnitures — 07-23-2018
Dark green down sectional couch 80” x100” x40. Great shape. East to sleep on. It is in a basement and will need to be moved through a good outside entrance. Owners are unable to help move....
$1200 — Boat — 07-23-2018
1976 open bow Bayliner and easy-loader trailer, 150 Mercury Black Max two stoke with 10 hp Mercury kicker-two stroke not pictured. Humming Bird fish- finder. Need to sell- too many boats in my yard. 1...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-21-2018
Dining Table 44"x44"x 3' tall $5End table 27"x23"x21" height $5Adjustable lamps can flex to different positions. $53 flights of stairs...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-21-2018
Burien, 3 flights of stairs: m29ez@yahoo.comAlso, Dining Table 44"x44"x 3' tall $5End table 27"x23"x21" height $5Adjustable lamps can flex to different positions. $5...
Home and Furnitures — 07-21-2018
Burien, 3 flights of stairsAlso, Dining Table 44"x44"x 3' tall $5End table 27"x23"x21" height $5Adjustable lamps can flex to different positions. $5...
Home and Furnitures — 07-21-2018
Dining Table 44"x44"x 3' tall $5 End table 27"x23"x21" height $5 Adjustable lamps can flex to different positions. $5 Also, Queen Bed Mattress & boxspring $25 3flights of st...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-20-2018
Estate Sale on July 21 to 22 th from 09:00 a.m. till 05:00 p.m. only.Every thing must to go!!!! ...
Home and Furnitures — 07-20-2018
3 Stiffel brass lights one 23 and two 27 inches high. ...
Boat — 07-18-2018
Best used Tartan 37' I've seen. Rigged for ocean going but quite luxurious interior. Extra electronics, water maker, radar, large sail inventory. She has 2 forestays to fly two head sails, auto pil...
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