Classifieds - Washington

Livingston 10 ft with trailer offer Boat

Livingston 10 ft with trailer


10 ft Livingston with 5x10 ft Tarter utility trailer, electric trolling motor, All in excellent condition....

Black Australorp offer Deals

Black Australorp


Black Australorp Rooster for sale. Beautiful blue-black feathers, 4 months old, excellent condition, well cared for. $20.00 or offer....

89 chevy c2500 offer Truck

89 chevy c2500


Chevy C 2500 125000 miles new exhaust new wheels and tires new distributor and tune up and new brakes asking $2,250...

Guinea pigs offer Items For Sale

Guinea pigs

Items For Sale

Guenia pigs 4 female, 3 males, 10.00, plus two vary large cages, 50.00 ea....

Table and chairs set offer Home and Furnitures

Table and chairs set

Home and Furnitures

Round table with leaf and 5 chairs, set is very sturdy also chairs which are in a blue fabric... Chairs have scotch guarde. No stains, rips, or sagging . Nice sturdy set located in cama s wa 150.00$ m...

Cement mixer offer Tools

Cement mixer


Cement mixer has gas motor .  $50 O.B.O ...

Cover for pickup bed. Bug shield offer Garage and Moving Sale

Cover for pickup bed. Bug shield

$375Garage and Moving Sale

black cover for short bed Dodge Pu. Rails to install plus bug shield. like new...

satilite dish offer Computers and Electronics

satilite dish

Computers and Electronics

Dish Tail gate satilite, programmer, stand, plus all wiring and instructions. Used in motor home but can be used any where. ...

Washer and dryer  offer Appliances

Washer and dryer


Maytag washer and dryer hear when I bought the house I have my own in good condition ...

Cochin mix chicks offer Lawn and Garden

Cochin mix chicks

Lawn and Garden

Four 2 week old chicks. Active, eating well and no longer need brooder light.4/$5. Bring solid side container....

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