Classifieds - Washington

22-foot telescoping multi-position aluminum ladder with 300-pound duty rating Werner MT-22 offer Tools

22-foot telescoping multi-position aluminum ladder with 300-pound duty rating Werner MT-22


This ladder is in excellent shape, very strong and has 28 different working heights or positions by converting into a 2-person stepladder (or one person stepladder), extension ladder, or scaffold. T...

Top Tier Office Cleaning Services  offer Professional Services

Top Tier Office Cleaning Services

Professional Services

Clean My Cubicle Provides Customers With A Quality Office Cleaning At A Very Affordable Rate. Checkout CleanMyCubucle.Com For More Info...FREE QUOTE ...

Dumptruck f superduty.  3000$ offer Truck

Dumptruck f superduty. 3000$


Runs good . Nice strong truck...

George Foreman grill offer Appliances

George Foreman grill


Nice new in box, George Foreman grill. Mid sized. In Yakima. Sorry cannot ship. $25.00...

Wolfgang puck convection oven offer Appliances

Wolfgang puck convection oven


Nice convection oven. Stainless. Comes with cooking trays. Never used by me as was put into storage shortly after purchase. In Yakima. Sorry cannot ship. $100.00...

Hanging Chair with Sturdy Stand offer Home and Furnitures

Hanging Chair with Sturdy Stand

$90Home and Furnitures

Macrame hanging chair on sturdy stand is in perfect condition. Safe to 250 lb. Can be used indoor or outdoors on patio. Perfect for pre-teen or teen's bedroom. Less than two years old. Will have it di...

one piece ski outfit offer Clothes

one piece ski outfit



Looking for male Yoga instruction offer Professional Services

Looking for male Yoga instruction

Professional Services

I am masculine 57 YO male, 6'2", 195lbs in great shape, with no disabilities or impairments and looking to stay that way. Want to increase flexibility and range of motion. More comfortable in a privat...

Kitchen Queen, Antique kitchen prep cabinet  offer Home and Furnitures

Kitchen Queen, Antique kitchen prep cabinet

Home and Furnitures

Antique cabinet from my wife's grandmother. Needs refinishing. $100 or best offer....

Riverfront Acreage  offer Vacation Home For Sale

Riverfront Acreage

Vacation Home For Sale

5.2 Acres on the Kettle River in Curlew,Washington. Has power, well, and outbuildings. Perfect hunting, fishing and camping get away. Has approved building and septic on survey, above flood zone...

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