Estate Sale
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-21-2018
Fri& Sat 8-24- 8-25, 9 -4:30 ,Furniture, desk, book case, chairs, antique lamps, vases, Sangro China set of 12, home made Afghans, T-shirts sea hawks, baseball, Rainiers goods, puzzles, and more...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-21-2018
Fri& Sat 8-24- 8-25, 9 -4:30 ,Furniture, desk, book case, chairs, antique lamps, vases, Sangro China set of 12, home made Afghans, T-shirts sea hawks, baseball, Rainiers goods, puzzles, and more...
$400 — Lawn and Garden — 08-21-2018
Two Nelson waters with 325 watt heaters. One new and one used one winter see Nelson web site for details or call water li...
Apartment For Rent — 08-21-2018
2 bedroom 1 bath duplex, garage, off street, new wood flooring & paint, 3 appliances and disposal. w/d hookup. low elec. nice neighborhood. $1000, plus deposit....
Home and Furnitures — 08-20-2018
Entertainment Center with matching Table. Southwest design. Asking 475.00 or OBO. E-Mail address patmccaws2@yahoo.com...
Home and Furnitures — 08-20-2018
One brown, leather rocker/ recliner in good condition $75; 2 Ethan Allen swivel bar chairs $100 for pr; large entertainment center in fair condition $45. (Email for photo)...
For Rent — 08-20-2018
Need someone to share 2 bdrm one bath home on an acre in east Kennewick. Very quiet peaceful setting . $700. pays all....
$14000 — Boat — 08-19-2018
150 four cycle Yahima total Engine time, Open Bow, bucket pilot seat, Canvas Top, Deck player, Galvanized Trailer with Brakes. Top condition, Also available if required Chevrolet Trail Blazer tow vehi...
$14000 — Boat — 08-19-2018
180 horizon open bow, 150 Yahima, Galvanized Trailer with Brakes, also Chevrolet Trailer Blazer ...
Items For Sale — 08-19-2018
180 Horizon Four Winn, Open Bow Equipped with 150 HP 4 stoke Yahima out board, Galvanized Trailer with BrakesAlso available Chevrolet Trail Bazaar if required as tow vehicle...
Jewelries — 08-19-2018
14k white gold, 3/4 carat diamond engagement ring, bought it at Macys for $3,400.00. Selling it for $2,000....
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