200 acres in okanogan county. Perfect for hay or vineyards. Beautiful valley view with lots of year round sunshine. Owner is retiring and ready to make a deal. Single wide trailer with yard and a dom...
$1800. 2006 Kia Spectra. 169,100 miles. Runs great. Some body dents. NE Tacoma. 253-257-5575....
Large Estate Sale. Misc tools, plumbing, electrical, hardware, car jack, beautiful clothes, suits, shoes, kitchen everything. Hamm Radios and equipment, desks, coffee table, tons of stuff! No early ...
Navigation Plus Package, Bang and Olufsen sound system, Audi side assist, Sport interior package and Audi guard protection kit...
Grandma's house. 3 bedroom rambler surrounded by trees and forest glens. Quiet sanctuary across from beautiful city park. Fireplace. Large sunny windows. Hardwoods. Built in book shelves. Small deck ...
Setting up appointments for windshield replacements...
$25 — Sporting Goods —
$15 — Home and Furnitures —
Perfect for a desk or decorating, on casters and sturdy....
$15 — Home and Furnitures —
Earth Tones Cake Carrier. Plastic round tray with sliding locking tabs for the metal dome with handle. Great to transport your homemade creation to the next event. Has the original box as well....
$25 — Clothes —
Size 8, wine colored boots, worn twice...