Classifieds - Virginia Beach

2007 Jaguar X-Type offer Car

2007 Jaguar X-Type


Immaculate condition interior and exterior ! Only 144k miles....

Rideshare in comfort offer Auto Services

Rideshare in comfort

Auto Services

Offering safe ride share services to the public in the Hampton Roads and area surrounding areas. Fees are based on your personal required services, the number of passengers and the distance. Will acce...

Move in now offer Roomate Wanted

Move in now

Roomate Wanted

Rooms for rent 150.00 per week all utilities included. Big 4 bedroom home in Old Huntersville Norfolk, Virginia. To schedule a viewing and move in contact Eve at 757-309-0266....

Room for Rent offer Roomate Wanted

Room for Rent

$600Roomate Wanted

Looking for Hampton University Student/faculty or staff to rent room in home 1 1/2 mile from campus in the Merrimac Shores neighborhood. Includes use of kitchen, den, living room, deck, washer and dry...



Cleaning Services

CKJ & Associates LLC Move In or Move Out cleanups Weekly services for Commercial or Residential Emergency cleaning Personalized Maintenance systems “A Clean space promotes a clear mind”...

Day bed and mattress  offer Home and Furnitures

Day bed and mattress

Home and Furnitures

Teak day bed and mattress has never been used....

Clear title offer Car

Clear title


2006 PT. Cruiser. 50,000 miles. Extremely great condition always kept in garage. Leather seats sunroof loaded with everything. Automatic. Brome wheels and runs like a scared jack rabbit. One of ...

2005 Sea Doo Sportster 4-TEC 155HP $5,000 offer Sporting Goods

2005 Sea Doo Sportster 4-TEC 155HP $5,000

Sporting Goods

Length 15'4"; Beam 7'1"; Draft 1', Dry Weight 1,454 lbs; 1503 Rotax 4-TEC engine; Displacement 1494cc; Compression Ratio 10.5:1; Max rpm 6800; Fuel Capacity 23 gallons; Top Speed 51 mph; Cruising Spee...

3200.00 offer Car



1998 Buick Century with only 69300 miles. Only 1 Owner. Vehicle well kept with all of its documents. No damages. No accidents and sold as is. VA inspection expires 11/19. New tires and full tank....

Tow Bar offer Tools

Tow Bar


Roadmaster Stowmaster tow bar priced for quick sale. Well kept and in excellent condition....

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