$1350 — Home and Furnitures —
Moving need to sale Pristine King Tempur-Pedic Cloud Supreme Breeze mattress. Perfect condition no stains always been covered with moisture proof and secondary mattress cover. Purchased from RC Will...
Low mileage Yamaha VStar 950 Touring cycle with trunk. Runs great. $1,800.00 call (505) 807-2341....
Electric fireplace with flame only or with flame and two heat settings. Has a pull out drawer. Looks nice and runs well $60. Call (505) 807-2341....
Auto Services —
Lowest price Guaranteed. Set by Appointment only
Call or text
Brakes,tune-up,oil change ECT. City of Grantsville.
2015 LTV Unity model U24CB class C motorhome for sale. Excellent like new condition. Mercedes Benz 3.0 Diesel chassis with 44,750 miles. U-shaped dinette option with white maple stain and clay-colored...
Studio condo. Sleeps 4. Mini Kitchen. One bath. Large closet. $85 per night for 7 nights Dec. 22-29 or $110 per night for 3-6 nights. ...
General Labor —
Grooming and bathing large and small dogs...
2004 Toyota Camry. Runs Ecxellent, well maintained. 199,000 miles mostly Freeway miles. Brand new set of Michelin Tites....
2006 Mercury Montego 96000 miles. Clean, runs great, lots of room, 2 owners. $3500....
$398 — Apartment For Rent —
Lease from nov2018 to April 2019 amount is $398 a month
Please go to leasing office to inquire
Buyer pays 230 deposit and I pay contact seller fees