2010 nissan maxima, 3.5S
$4900 — Car — 04-25-2019
2010 nissan maxima, 3.5S,156k,runs good, ac cold, clean interior and exterior, very minor cosmetics...
$4900 — Car — 04-25-2019
2010 nissan maxima, 3.5S,156k,runs good, ac cold, clean interior and exterior, very minor cosmetics...
Truck — 04-25-2019
Inline six, with transmission & new exhaust system. $ 1,250.00 or best offer...
House For Sale — 04-25-2019
RNR Land 4U has cheap land throughout Texas and Arizona. Lake Front Lots are available right now. For as little as $200 down and $125 per month, you can own lake front property in TEXAS! You can't bea...
Tools — 04-23-2019
lumber racks- asking $400 OBO ... need to get rid of them. This rack is dissasembled and ready to load on your trailer. There is a vertical cut that will need welded back together in order to asse...
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-22-2019
Estate sale at 1202 Los Altos Lane 75116 Dates and times as follows Friday April 26 from 10am to 6pm Sat April 27 from 8 am to 6 pm and Sunday from 8 am to 12 noonAppliances, furniture, dishes, tool...
Motorcycle — 04-19-2019
2004 fatboy for sale, only has around 13500 miles on it, good tires and great alround condition. Always wall maintained, great everyday rider. $5700 obo call Chris 2149244371...
Auto Services — 04-19-2019
The team of advisers and professional detailers at Wash Masters Car Wash in Irving, as well as its complete cleanup crew, have been carefully selected to serve you, based on experience, profession...
Full Time — 04-19-2019
We our looking for a stylist or a barber has a license to join our team. Has some experience in Men's,Women's,and children's Hair Cuts. That is able to be Reliable,Talented,Great Customer Service. Yo...
Hospitality Jobs — 04-14-2019
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