$3500 — Truck —
Condition: Used
Exterior: White - Good body work needs paint
Interior: Beige - Good condition
Note: Good working vehicle. Rebuilt motor 02/2019
$3500 OBO - No Trades
Send me a message or call me...
$6500 — Off Road Vehicle —
Motorcycle$6,50075061 For Sale $6,500. TEXT FOR BEST RESPONSE2018 KTM 250 XCF Clean, 48 hrs, lowered with recluse, also comes with stock clutch. Private message if interested....
Baby boy clothes,crib,playpen,highchair,stroller,car seat. Need it all... CAN afford a little bit of Money. Newborn to twelve months.
Auto Services —
The team of advisers and professional detailers at Wash Masters Car Wash in Irving,
as well as its complete cleanup crew, have been carefully selected to
serve you, based on experience, profession...
Looking for someone to help in my small business. Small truck preferred. $500.00 per week guaranteed. Paid 2 week training ($300.00)...
$650 — Home and Furnitures —
This is a wooden English "Call Box" It is not an original. It was used at the Parks Mall in Arlington for a pay phone before we all had phones of our own. I have restored the inside, any damaged gl...
Saturday, June 30, 2018, at 9820 Hickory Hollow Lane, Irving, Texas. This location is in valley ranch. Selling children’s clothes, adult clothes, shoes, sport shoes, electronics, cd’s, sports equipmen...
$500 — For Rent —
1 bedroom for rent with half bath 8homeowners smokes...
$125 — Appliances —
whirlpool washer and dryer 4 years old good condition dryer noisy when first started works good cash only...
General Labor —
Full-Time, Part-Time, Year-Round, and Seasonal
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Service Agents Duties:
*Move client fleet strategically to provide
quality, clean and ready cars to customers for rent
*Work as a p...