Ride share
Auto Services — 08-12-2018
My lowest is 20$ and its a dollar a mile and 2.50 a stop where taxi is 2 dollars and 5 a stop need a ride give adam a call at 865-888-3755...
Auto Services — 08-12-2018
My lowest is 20$ and its a dollar a mile and 2.50 a stop where taxi is 2 dollars and 5 a stop need a ride give adam a call at 865-888-3755...
Items Wanted — 08-12-2018
I'm a veteran just coming out of veterans transitional housing moving to Murfreesboro I'm in need of any bedroom furniture. Anything will help I've been given a king size bed but don't have box spring...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-12-2018
kayaks, furniture, rugs, sporting goods,tents, glassware, china,books,cds, corby pants press...
$8750 — Vehicle — 08-12-2018
Dependable luxury transportation, second owner, low mileage (88600), garaged well kept, leather interior like new, clear title, new tires, engine belts and brake work approximately 17000 miles ago,som...
Rental Wanted — 08-11-2018
Looking for two or three bedroom for rent near manchester tn...
Home and Furnitures — 08-11-2018
Duncan Phyfe style dining table, 4 arm chairs, 2 side chairs & buffet. $600 Kitchen table and 4 chairs , top natural wood finish, legs red, chairs natural finish with red legs. $250 Text for pict...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-11-2018
Must Sell, Cash Only, sage love seat $80, 2 piece oak china cabinet with glass doors $300., TV stand$40, 25" flat screen TV $80, book/video cabinet $100, white book shelf $20, dinette table $25, lots...
Van — 08-10-2018
Hi l have a 2004 Chrysler Town and Country Tour it's Loaded it's a nice Van rides good and it's good on ⛽ had bout 1000k miles on its most Hwy the price is $2500 thanks Deborah Benson called me at 901...
Home Services — 08-09-2018
Smiling Faces is committed to improving the lives of our senior clients. By assisting seniors with their daily living needs....
Free Stuff — 08-09-2018
Three Tigers and one Ginger stripped. Fluffy, adorable, just ready for a forever home. They loved to be cuddled and played with. ...
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