Classifieds - Tennessee

Oil Paintings offer Arts

Oil Paintings


Beautiful Oil Paintings on canvas 26'x38". Brand new, never used....

Oil Painting offer Arts

Oil Painting


Beautiful Oil Paintings on canvas 26'x38". Brand new, never used....

Artwork offer Arts



Beautiful Oil Paintings on canvas 26'x38". Brand new, never used. ...

Nikki's Cleaning offer Cleaning Services

Nikki's Cleaning

Cleaning Services

Hi my name is Nikki. I am offering house cleaning services in the Johnson City Elizabethton area. I am reliable, honest, and a hard worker. Call me for a quote. All quotes depend upon work needed done...

ROOMMATE WANTED offer Roomate Wanted


$600Roomate Wanted

AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1ST 2019I am a 57 year old honest christian female looking for a quality person to share a home in Spring Hill. I want a like-minded individual wi...

68 Year Old Senior needs company. offer Free Stuff

68 Year Old Senior needs company.

Free Stuff

68 Year Old Retired Senior is looking for a Small/Teacup size puppy to keep him company. Maltese, Bischon Frishe, Shitz Tzu, something furry and cute. I don't have a lot of money to pay for one,. If s...

Medical Receptionist Needed  offer Medical Jobs

Medical Receptionist Needed

Medical Jobs

Medical receptionist needed for physical therapy clinic. Duties include intake and discharge of patients, basic office duties, assistance placing them on therapy beds. Bonuses for bilingual employees ...

Tax preparer  offer Professional Services

Tax preparer

Professional Services

Call or text me for upto a $6000 advance on your taxes starting January 2nd ....

Klock Werks 12” Dark smoke touring windshield offer Motorcycle

Klock Werks 12” Dark smoke touring windshield


New, never used, they would not refund, I ordered one too tall for me so I paid for another one to fit. This is a dark smoke Klock Werks 12” Pro Touring flare windshield, ordered from DennisKirk, fits...

Soft Lowers to fit Softails offer Motorcycle

Soft Lowers to fit Softails


These soft lowers fit 86 to present Softails. Excellent condition. Harley D. Part #57100213 and sell new for $114.95. For sale to first caller for just $60.00! No negotions, no trades, just $60.00 and...

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