Good family oriented dog, a lil over a year old, very active, she has not received her up to date shots, but when received the price for her will go up. I am asking $500- $600 for her I will not take ...
$295000 — House For Sale —
Extremely nice for full time living or used as a getaway. Four bedroom, 2 bath, den/dining, living room, decks front and back of house. Boat dock, outside storage building. Have to see to appreciat...
Auto Services —
I drive to you to service your vehicle. Call 843-405-0187 ...
Like new (used one season) CMC ML-65 Part# 65012 boat transom jack plate. $300+ new, sell for $150....
Home Services —
We do all types of outdoor and indoor home improvement and landscaping in the Andeson, Pickens, Oconee areas in South Carolina....
For Sale: Oak Pedestal Table w/Leaf and 4 chairs. In excellent condition as the set was hardly ever used. Send email for further information or interest in viewing. ...
Sale by Owner: Two Bedroom, two bath time share, sleeps 6, for sale, $3000 , price includes free week beginning 4/29/18-5/6/18. You may contact me at or call my cell at 910-301-747...
I have a queen size air mattress built in pump practly new has a head board very nise asking 50 dollars...
1997 Harley softail with extra seat leather saddle bags sissy bar and pack 2 helmets ...
need trees cut in the exchange for the wood you cut the trees and you can take them with you as long as you clean the brush...