Classifieds - Columbia

Free goats to a good home as I can no longer take care of them in my later years  offer Free Stuff

Free goats to a good home as I can no longer take care of them in my later years

Free Stuff

Free Goats, please call me if you’re interested in the goats...

Barns of America Inc  offer Lawn and Garden

Barns of America Inc

Lawn and Garden

Barns of America Inc 26151 SE HWY 19 Old Town FL 32680 Phone# 352-469-5044 website( Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm & Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm Custom Pole Barns & Roun...

Owner  offer Car



This is a good sport car. Looks and runs in good condition. I have gotten a little old for this car. You will enjoy it. ...

Mercury grand marquis  offer Car

Mercury grand marquis



2023 20x8.5x8.5 enclosed trailer  offer Lawn and Garden

2023 20x8.5x8.5 enclosed trailer

Lawn and Garden

New bought in Dec of 2022 need a smaller tandem like 14/16 ft mine is tandem axle 6 lug brake axles paid 13,700 will trade for trailer size needed with boot or other trades or take 8k cash thanks 8645...

Red Bull cooler offer Appliances

Red Bull cooler


Very nice Red Bull cooler with wheels good for any business or home enjoyment....

Barbara equipment . offer Home and Furnitures

Barbara equipment .

Home and Furnitures

Different kind of shears and other instruments to go with it $200 or best offer must see to appreciate....

Dressers  offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

Two very nice sturdy dressers for sale asking for $100 for both what a deal come pick them up....

Two piece bed room dressers offer Home and Furnitures

Two piece bed room dressers

Home and Furnitures

Brown in good condition ...

Brendella elisia Barnes mcarthy  offer Events

Brendella elisia Barnes mcarthy


Her number is 8647602803 or 8648202992 she is a stalker who had skitzo frenic and is off meds and may be high on narcotics or a substance of some kind usually meth amphetamine or crack cocaine be on t...

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