Classifieds - Providence

Ford Van offer Van

Ford Van


1999 E-150 Conversion Van maintained with all needed repairs. Needs frame welding for body mounts and steering box. New rear end and brakes just installed. Engine and transmission excellent conditi...

moving offer Lawn and Garden


Lawn and Garden

free large gas grill and patio table with 3 chairs FREE you pick up ...

DIMENSION ONE SPA type: Californian offer Home and Furnitures

DIMENSION ONE SPA type: Californian

$1800Home and Furnitures

400 gal, seats 5 plus lounge, 2 two speed pumps, heater w/circulating pump, 35.5H X 91.5W X 91.5L, dry wgt 660lbs, 240vac wiring & safety breaker, full and operating. Purchased in 2006 from Pool Doct...

Driver to adesa. Auction offer Auto Services

Driver to adesa. Auction

Auto Services


Free Fire wood offer Lawn and Garden

Free Fire wood

Lawn and Garden

You take tree down and you can have free firewood. ...

Looking for a clean pullout couch  offer Free Stuff

Looking for a clean pullout couch

Free Stuff

I live in providence looking for a free pull out couch. I don't drive so if may deliver be awsome. Thanks God bless...

Hamsters with aquarium and supplies must sell  offer Deals

Hamsters with aquarium and supplies must sell


must sell 25.00 each or best offer black fancy bears and syrian and russian cambell dwarfs...

must sale offer Deals

must sale


large gas grill with almost full propane tank and patio table and 3 chairs...

Old Table offer Home and Furnitures

Old Table

Home and Furnitures

This table has beautiful spindles on the legs This table has a draw for storage I don't exactly know how old the table is Table is solid, sturdy, and clean...

Rocking Chair offer Home and Furnitures

Rocking Chair

$15Home and Furnitures

Solid wood rocking chair From a smoke free house Solid.sturdy.and clean...

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