4x4 5speed good body and interior new radiatornot inspected does not runneeds-rear brake pads/rotors-parking shoes-one upper and two lower ball jointsinner/outer tie rods-muffler/tail pipe-rear body m...
$20 — Appliances —
Like New Tupperware Travel Cake Dish...
runs great will have it inspected by end of month...
Auto Services —
I have a new exhaust pipe that I need welded on my car. as soon as possible. I live in Ephrata pa. You may send me a text....
$2500 — Items For Sale —
Good condition,With or without cultivators ...
Home Services —
Residential power washing’starting at $99.
Free estimates/fully insured
Pressure washing, deck restoration, driveway seal coating, concrete waterproofing, paver and patio walkways
Cleaning out.....prices negotiable ! Everything must go!...
1998 Cadillac
Polo Green with beige leather interior.
Runs great, only 76,761 miles
2004 Kia Van for sale. Interior is dirty from children. Needs a catalytic converter. Make a offer:)...
Two person with cargo area front and back.All the extras including power steering with upgraded wench and snowplowOnly 12 hours so it is basically like newPaid $12,300.00 (see invoice) Nowcost over $...