$790 — For Rent —
Everything you're looking for and more! This home is in a conveniently located in Pittsburgh! This large brick home has a combination of wood and brand-new, wall-to-wall carpeting. The 2nd floor has a...
Great antique wood stove. Heat up my whole house quickly. Moving and need to sell. 1000 obo...
5.9l 6 speed manual 153,000 miles 7248twotwo7657...
Come on out the Curbside shopping of the year!You will find great bargains and selected special on clothing, sandals, housewares and special finds. Don't miss out or be late!!...
Auto Services —
We provide round trip transportation to the casino in Bensalem, Pa. We also provide transportation to local Medical Appointments Call 267-338-6875jwoody50@outlook.com Click link for prices: https://w...
Wolfsburg edition, 5 speed, 2.0L, inspected May 2018, new rear brakes and rotors, a/c, CD, PS, PB, heated seats, sunroof, silver....
$2500 — Truck —
All it needs an oil pan. Hubby is too busy to fix it. Cannot be driven until fixed. Everything else works. Great truck....
Nissan Maxima full loaded sport model in sale. Interested buyer please text or call 614-620-9585....
2008 Honda Goldwing 1800 with a 1999 Cyclemate cargo trailer. Has a CB and 2 helmets with intercom. $11,000 obo....
$3000 — Sporting Goods —
Engine 305 CHVE 198 hp
Mercury out drive
Runs good. Many extras and upgrades.
Comes with 1977 Tee Née trailer ...