Classifieds - Pennsylvania

Auto technician offer Auto Services

Auto technician

Auto Services

Very busy Cranberry Township auto repair shop is looking for a full time employee. Must have inspections license. Top salary paid plus commission. Starts immediately. Call Rick if interested. 724-316-...

Experienced Tree Climber and Groundmen offer Full Time

Experienced Tree Climber and Groundmen

Full Time

Experienced tree climber and ground men. Must have a Valid PA driver’s license.Serious calls only. ...

Hess Trucks offer Items For Sale

Hess Trucks

Items For Sale

1989-2013 Hess trucks original boxes$1500....

Coal Industry offer Full Time

Coal Industry

Full Time

Bell Resources Inc./ Greenwood Processing 1340 Hoyt Road Curwensville Pa 16833 Please email resume to: bellresourcesinc@verizon.netMust live within a 40 mile radius from zipcode Coal...

2014 John Deere Gator XUV 855D 4x4 offer Off Road Vehicle

2014 John Deere Gator XUV 855D 4x4

$4400Off Road Vehicle

Super Clean 4WD Gator 855D (Diesel) w/Fully Enclosed cab with hot and cold air controlled. Comes with Hydro Dump, Full Signals Lights, Radio with Speakers. Mint Condition with only 985 miles/254 hours...

used offer Car



1981 chevy chevette started to restore never finest moter overhalled and tranty overhalled runs needs bugs work out....

Cat Forklift offer Tools

Cat Forklift


Cat forklift 13000 lb lift 3 stage mast propane....

Pfaltzgraff Heirloom Dinnerware offer Home and Furnitures

Pfaltzgraff Heirloom Dinnerware

$500Home and Furnitures

Please see photo for complete and extensive listing. Examples: over 17 dinner plates, 10 bowls, 20 saucers and coffee cups, 5 serving bowls or platters, water pitcher, creamer & sugar, candlesticks, C...

High end high fidelity components and vinyl offer Computers and Electronics

High end high fidelity components and vinyl

Computers and Electronics

Lin Sondex turn table, Magnaplanar Loudspeakers, Conrad Johnson amp lp66s, Conrad Johnson classic study amp, Lin Linto, other speakers, collection of about 660 vinyl classical music recordings, mint c...

1250.00, 3 beds 1 bath in East Stroudsburg, PA offer House For Rent

1250.00, 3 beds 1 bath in East Stroudsburg, PA

$1250House For Rent

Single family home with 3 bedrooms 1bath, 1 car garage, eat in kitchen, hot tub, sunroom, in a beautiful quiet neighborhood. Close to shopping and schools....

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