1974 Ford F250
Auto Parts — 04-05-2020
Hood with no rust in good condition.Grill and front bumper in good condition . $150 also have 360 motor with 4spd trani and factory PTO 87,000 miles ran good 2 years ago motor won't turn over now ,com...
Auto Parts — 04-05-2020
Hood with no rust in good condition.Grill and front bumper in good condition . $150 also have 360 motor with 4spd trani and factory PTO 87,000 miles ran good 2 years ago motor won't turn over now ,com...
Vehicle — 04-02-2020
2000 Lincoln Towncar. LOADED..Fine condition..non smoker..no wrecks white 2 tone ...Please call to seeing (503) 607-3395 ...
Health and Beauty — 03-23-2020
Free heavy duty wheelchair lift that can be set up in the back or side of a van. It has not been used for a while. It is ready for pick up. It will require a pick up and two people to pick it up. You...
Home Services — 03-22-2020
Im living at the family shelter and reasontly lost my job. Its hard to get a new job do to the corona 19 pandemic. So if you have any bottles and cans you would want to help my family in need it real...
$700 — Car — 03-17-2020
2003 Mazda 6, dark grey, 134,300 miles. Within the past month has gotten a new transmission, a new transmission computer, and new battery. Just needs a new starter!! Great car and/or great/updated pa...
Free Stuff — 02-22-2020
Free: Radio/stereo console from 1960's. 39 3/4" long, 17 1/2" wide, 25 1/2" high. Does not work. Needs TLC. You haul. ...
Auto Parts — 02-13-2020
I hurt my back and have no income. I badly need anyones 4 used tires for my truck. R15 205-235. I live in Bend, Or...
Computers and Electronics — 02-05-2020
I’m moving so I’m selling my TV it’s too big for my new place. My loss your gain. I just bought it at Best Buy. Still have the box if wanted I’ll sell it for 550 503-567-4025 -pics ...
Service — 01-26-2020
Many homeowners never thought that owning a home involved so much. One of the things that a new homeowner would do well to do is make sure that they have adequate security for their home. PDX Lock and...
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