appliances and more
Appliances — 08-09-2018
whirlpool large load washer and dryer 4 years old, 2 small window a/c units, one larger a/c unit. looks not so good but works great...
Appliances — 08-09-2018
whirlpool large load washer and dryer 4 years old, 2 small window a/c units, one larger a/c unit. looks not so good but works great...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-09-2018
1970 Volkswagen, in excellent original condition. New tires, new vintage license. Must see to appreciate.Come see me!NEW: RV items include 35' RV cover, Sunvent solar powered vent, Norestar marine c...
Lawn and Garden — 08-08-2018
Organic Garlic - Korean Red, Asian Tempest, Shantang Purple, and Nootka Rose. Wholesale price at $12/lb right from the farm located in the Heart of The Gorge. Hood River....
Lawn and Garden — 08-07-2018
We have a Char-Broil Outdoor Gas Grill that we do not use. It needs a new home. The original cost was about $250. It features a warming rack, base for a rotisserie, some storage below, side burner,...
Kid Stuff — 08-06-2018
29 gal. fresh water tank on stand. All equipment needed to keep it....
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-02-2018
Sooo much stuff! Camping stuff, crafts, kids, lamps, bookcases , dining table, yard party things! Fabric,yarn,truck tool box,some clothes,golf shoes,corntoss and other games!Moving and all must go. G...
Car — 08-02-2018
190k + miles new tires new brake pads and battery needs alternator and oil pan plug serious inquiries only...
Tickets — 08-01-2018
Tonight's concert, doors open 5:30, concert starts 7:00. Art 541-797-1994....
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-30-2018
August 3, 4 & 5, 9am-5pm. NW 17th & Buchanan Streets, Corvallis. Quilting supplies, craft cart with organizers, shabby chic garden décor, Fitz & Floyd snowman cookie jar & plate, Franz Porcelain spoon...
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