Phynniex is red heeler pit mix 4yrs old missing his left front leg. He is brownish red and Cleo his daughter is red heeler pit mix with jack russell and Alaskan spitz from her mom. She has the brighte...
Auto Services —
Complete Autobody repair and paint shop including collision, repair and custom paint work. over 20 years experience in high end Automobiles
Including Mercedes Benz Audi, Land Rover Cadillac, etc... ...
New msrp $64.00 @ home depot...
1990 Ford Econoline 350
60000 original miles
$7000 — Motorcycle —
This is a 2004 custom trike .
Has clean title and is very well-built. All metal, no fiberglass .
Good tires and runs great, no problems .
Call or text 806-205-1254...
King size mattress , box springs, rails. Must go you pick up ...
House on lake eufaula 2 bedroom 2 bath central heat and air hardwood floors and cathedral ceilings.550 deposit and 550 monthly....
cod:black ops 3, elder scrolls: Oblivion GOTYedition comes with all dlcs, Skyrim legendary edition/all dlcs, halo wars,halo 3 multiplayer(full), borderlands 2,assassins creed brotherhood and assassins...
Couches, twin bed (clean mattress), air mattresses, new card table w/4 chairs, tv stand, microwave, coffee pot, various kitchen items, etc. must move to care for sick mother, must get rid of everythin...