Classifieds - Oklahoma

Wigs   $35.00 each offer Health and Beauty

Wigs $35.00 each

Health and Beauty β€”

Blond wig is real hair. Black wig is synthetic....

Teeter Hang ups  $60.00 offer Health and Beauty

Teeter Hang ups $60.00

Health and Beauty β€”


Work  offer Auto Services


Auto Services β€”

Looking for any unwanted metal. Mowers, grills, left over auto parts, appliances, old windows. Anything at all. Dont forget spring 🌼 is close. If your mower is not running or you put off doing tha...

Acer Aspire 5 A515-46-R3UB | 15.6

Acer Aspire 5 A515-46-R3UB | 15.6" Full HD

$353.74 β€” Computers and Electronics β€”

Brand Acer Series Aspire 5 Screen Size 15.6 Inches Color Silver Hard Disk Size 128 GB CPU Model Ryzen 3 3350U Ram Memory Installed Size 4 GB Operating System Windows 11 Special Feature Finge...

2002 Honda Accord Red offer Car

2002 Honda Accord Red

Car β€”

(Patrick Fox), price: $2,000 ,phone:1-918-399-3908 This 2002 Honda Accord has an automatic transmission, it runs good and is well maintained. Drives anywhere taken many city trips in it ... al...

Household furniture and appliances offer Items For Sale

Household furniture and appliances

Items For Sale β€”

All household furniture antiques and appliances for sale by private owner, moving must sells...

1986 CJ7  offer Off Road Vehicle

1986 CJ7

$30000 β€” Off Road Vehicle β€”

I have a 1986 CJ7 Laredo for sale . Was remodeling but just don’t have time right now to finish it . Didn’t want to sell it but I don’t want it to sit here either. Not running just need to put motor b...

Seller Finance Luxury Home in OKC offer House For Sale

Seller Finance Luxury Home in OKC

House For Sale β€”

Priced at $435,000, with 10% Down Payment required at move-in, and 2,600/month (30 yrs).4 Beds / 2.5 Baths / 3 Car Garage / Interior 2,331 sf / Land 9,583 sf / Built in 2018.Move In Today! Seller Fina...

Firewood offer Items For Sale


$60 β€” Items For Sale β€”

GOOD Seasoned Fire Wood For Sale in Jay Oklahoma will deliver within a 20 mile radius will make some exceptions. ...



$10 β€” Items For Sale β€”

Red RI laying Hens . Laying eggs ....

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