Medical Jobs —
TotalWellness, one of the nation’s leading wellness companies, is hiring independent contractors to work health screenings and fall flu shot events in your area. If you are a nurse, phlebotomist, medi...
$5500 — Truck —
ONE OWNER, 170,000 MilesFive Eight Zero-222-9844, $5500.00...
ONE OWNER, 170,000 Miles580-222-9844, Marietta, OK...
Home Services —
I have been a Male Caregiver for the past 20 with a perfect work history caring for male and female patients. Most of my positions have been long term employment, my last position was caring for a wom...
A/C unit, hot water tank, ceiling fans, bathroom vanities?other light fixtures etc. for partial payment for tearing down...
Home Services —
Experienced Christian Lady available for part or full time personal Caregiving in your home. Working in the Durant Ok area. Available for interviews 7-18-18. Email me at Terms ...
$5000 — Arts —
J.P. Bexell & Son 72 inch loom. Good condition. Serious inquires only. Leave message....
Anything you need power washing houses,trailers, driveway, business decks...
Brand new never been open have 2 retail price is 150.00 I want 100 or best offer...
1 Bedroom. $150. Deposit. $400. Rent Locust Grove Ok. 918-864-0659...