$10 — Medical Jobs —
We are seeking skilled, serious caregivers to provide services in our clients homes. Must have own reliable transportation, must have a state ID or drivers license, must pass a background check. If yo...
$110 — House For Sale —
Training Classes Start March 19th, 7:30 am - 3 pm Monday - Friday, for 5 consecutive weeks. ATTENDANCE TO ALL TRAINING IS MANDATORY. 2nd shift immediately available after training and can be full time...
Deliver first class customer service to JCPenney customers via the phone and online services. Training Classes are ongoing and last for 3 weeks beginning March 12th and March 26th. Class start time fo...
Like the one "John Boy" used in the Waltons TV series.Needs cleaned & oiled! shipping is extra!$50.00...
$950 — Tools —
DNR Wood Cutter in great condition. Great buy ....
$650 — Appliances —
Large Whirlpool Freezer for sale. Like new great condition...
Selling a Canon photo printer new never been used. ...
Motor not used in 30 years. Ran fine the last time it was used. Motor turns free at this time. I purchased new Johnson decals for the cover and new Johnson paint so I could do a like new appearance re...
Lemond spinning bike. Great condition. ...