Classifieds - Ohio

Storage unit for rent offer Commercial Lease

Storage unit for rent

Commercial Lease

30x32 storage unit $210 mo / 20x32 unit $150 mo...

Estate sale, everything must go, great deals offer Garage and Moving Sale

Estate sale, everything must go, great deals

Garage and Moving Sale

Estate sale, beautiful broyhill furniture, oak table with leafs leafs seats 10-12 easily, matching broyhill credenzas, China cabinets, household items, decorations and electronics, refrigerator double...

Roseville pottery usa Bushberry blue ewer  offer Home and Furnitures

Roseville pottery usa Bushberry blue ewer

$100Home and Furnitures

Roseville pottery usa Bushberry blue ewer in excellent condition no cracks no damage at all must pick up in Wilmington Ohio will except any reasonable offers ...

Memory Lane Primitives  offer Home and Furnitures

Memory Lane Primitives

Home and Furnitures

Memory Lane Primitives is now open to public In Hillsboro Ohio! All primitive furniture is make offer! HUGE 50% off sale going on until May 26. Everything must go! Will be having whole store full of a...

invoice for 300.00 dollars at furniture store Sams furniture  new invioce offer Home and Furnitures

invoice for 300.00 dollars at furniture store Sams furniture new invioce

Home and Furnitures

email me at

Huge hoarders sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Huge hoarders sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Huge hoarders sale. 3 bedroom house stuffed full of power and hand tools, garden tools, glass antiques, electronics, household goods and etc. Thurs, may 17- sun may 20. 9-5. 2732 Eckley Blvd. Off Spr...

2007 Honda Accord offer Car

2007 Honda Accord


2007 Honda Accord 140,000 miles in very good condition...

Outboard 115 Mercury   offer Sporting Goods

Outboard 115 Mercury

Sporting Goods

Outboard 115 Mercury motor comes with a free boat and trailer ask for Bob...

2004 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT offer Van

2004 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT


2004 Dodge Gran Caravan SXT low mileage 110,000 and clean body, originally from Florida. Newer tires and battery, E-check passed, remote start, trailer hitch. $2800 or best offer.330-four6eight-twof...

Roofing repair technician offer Construction Jobs

Roofing repair technician

Construction Jobs

Roofing repair person/foreman, experienced with all types of roof systems; including flat and steep. Driver license and pre-employment drug screen required.330-487-5100....

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