Service Writer
Auto Services — 07-17-2018
The Service Writer is the liaison between customers in need of vehicle repair and the technicians. Schedule maintenance, handle the appropriate paperwork with customers and technicians, and researchin...
Auto Services — 07-17-2018
The Service Writer is the liaison between customers in need of vehicle repair and the technicians. Schedule maintenance, handle the appropriate paperwork with customers and technicians, and researchin...
Home and Furnitures — 07-16-2018
Twin XL latex mattress and box spring for sale. Custom made by local custom mattress firm. Almost new condition. $400 for set. ...
$18000 — Car — 07-16-2018
2012 Black Lexus, ES 350 4 door Sedan, 2 owners ,never been wrecked.Excellent condition.......64.000 mls. Carfax available...
$18000 — Appliances — 07-16-2018
2012 Black Lexus, ES 350 4 door Sedan, 2 owners ,never been wrecked.Excellent condition.......64.000 mls....
Items For Sale — 07-15-2018
Patio pet door. Aluminum and glass, locked opening 7" by 12" fits medium-sized animal. Excellent condition. $50.00...
Motorcycle — 07-14-2018
Tis the season to ride. Ride up to any rally and not see another bike like this one. This is an '07 Road King. Custom paint by Harley Davidson (#72 of 100), rhinehart true dual, mustang seat, cruise c...
House For Rent — 07-13-2018
4686 Saints Delight Church Road3 bedrooms 1 bathroom oil heat Central air hardwood floors large yard quiet neighborhood$700/month...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-13-2018
I have two bedrooms suites for sale, I full size mattress, one suite for a girl, one queen mattress and queen suite.sofa and love seat, one tv cabinet, one computer table, pictures, or I have twin bed...
Apartment For Rent — 07-13-2018
Looking for someone to sublease my apartment at The View in Pembroke, North Carolina. The lease starts in August and is a 12 month lease. I am willing to pay first months rent for you! If you're inte...
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