**COMLPIMENTARY CONSULATION**Bluebird Services offers weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly cleaning solutions depending on your needs. Our services range from deep cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning, gutte...
Auto Services —
8am - 6pm Monday - Saturday
9am - 6pm Sunday
CALL US @ 704-605-2664.
CLICK HERE TO GO TO OUR WEBSITE www.MobileAutoRescue.com
Sunny, beautiful plot 5 bedrooms,3 bathroom house ,living room, dining room, kitchen, attached two car garage, lot of upscale additions, location near Elon University, I-85, fenced yard, deck and nea...
$3500 — Vehicle —
2011 Nissan Rogue for sale
Asking $3,500.00
KBB Value is $3,500.00-$4,500.00
Light blue/silvery color
Black cloth interior
Excellent A/C
244,000 miles
New tires
Oil just changed
Runs great, ...
Hello homeowners of Charlotte and Mooresville! Ready for a cleaning service that goes above and beyond? Dive into our unmatched offerings.
Our Premium Services:
* 🏡 Deep Cleaning: Bring back that ...
Practically brand new only had one year. Rarely used only selling it because I’m moving soon. Works great and plays excellent . No scratches holes or dents. No damage at all. Comes with riser. Text o...
I currently own a 2004 Lincoln Luxury Avatar fully loaded that I would like to trade for a smaller car of equal value or cash to make up difference.New paint job, radiator and thermostat just replaced...
Family Owned and Operated and more importantly We will be there in a jiffy ...
Gas and charcoal good condition ...
We are a new upstart entertainment/ sports tickets sales company, and we are currently hiring for a number of remote/ virtual positions in sales.**** Please forward your contact information and resume...