$88499 — Truck —
Fully equipped, custom built food kitchen. This unit was custom built for us to be a promotion for our sauce business. The kitchen has only been used no more than 10 times. The kitchen is equipped wit...
Driving Jobs —
Dump truck drivers wanted. Greensboro, NC area. Must have experience. Must have commercial documents. Compensation based on level of experience.Please email your resume to as.riostrucking@gmail.com or...
hello, i have several Elvis Presley items for sale, over 300 cards 2 are Elvis worn pj 2 are tops between those 4 atleast worth $250, i also have several black and white original photos 1 is a 68 come...
$15000 — Motorcycle —
2006 Ultra Classic Harley. 13,700 miles. New tires, new brakes, new gel battery. Vance & Hines true duals. Screaming Eagle Super Tuner. Lots of H.D. extras, to many to list. Really have to see a...
In excellent shape, prefer to sell as a set...
Lost glasses at Pack Square Friday night, reward for return...
Driving Jobs —
Local company looking for an OTR driver. CDL required and atleast 3 years driving experience needed. Make $1000 to $1400 weekly. Must live within 100 miles of Jacksonville NC. Run all areas except Inn...
Everything priced to go. Today...
Well maintained 2006 Ford Explorer, white, 169,000 k, AWD, clean, new tires, A/C, clean interior, beautiful ride. $4899.00 OBO...
85 white ceramic drawer pulls with hardware, perfect condition, $40...