Tag Sale
Garage and Moving Sale — 11-26-2019
Tag sale Saturday Nov. 30th. Furniture, dishes, Christmas decorations. Come take a look. 74 Brown Street, Mineola. 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m....
Garage and Moving Sale — 11-26-2019
Tag sale Saturday Nov. 30th. Furniture, dishes, Christmas decorations. Come take a look. 74 Brown Street, Mineola. 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m....
House For Sale — 11-25-2019
10 room house set up for Mother daughter2 kitchens, 2 full baths, 2 living rooms, 1 dining room, 5 bedrooms...
Arts — 11-21-2019
Selling wreaths, swags,garlands,for all occasions and holidays ,floral arrangements and special orders...
$425 — Home and Furnitures — 11-20-2019
2 Massive matching barely used 7.5 ft 3 cushion couches with all the pillows seen included. Must be able to remove from home and transport when purchased these two couches/sofas were in excess of $150...
Car — 11-18-2019
2006 Mini Cooper S convertible manual transmission 90,000 miles well maintained new clutch etc. asking $3500...
SUV — 11-16-2019
2003 - in very good condition Forest green New- tires, brakes, exhaust, alternator, and battery. Trailer hitch. Interior clean and unworn. 200K mileage. Reliable and runs great. Would make a ...
Deals — 11-15-2019
The concert is at Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino November 16th. Here's the deal: My now X pretty little 30 year old girlfriend got busted with some other guy. Here's the plan: we leave Ithaca or Penn...
Free Stuff — 11-15-2019
3 large tubs of men's shirts that I was going to use to make quilts. All clean, in good shape, cut into large usable pieces, buttons removed. I will never live long enough to use up this stash. Vi...
$75 — Home and Furnitures — 11-15-2019
2 antique end tables for sale. $75 for both. Will not sell separately. Wooden with brass hardware. Height 30 inches x Depth 18 inches x Width 14.5 inches. See attached pictures....
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