Landlords wanted
Real Estate Services — 09-10-2018
Landlords looking for rental programs for your house or apartment. section 8 Etc.More information call asap!...
Real Estate Services — 09-10-2018
Landlords looking for rental programs for your house or apartment. section 8 Etc.More information call asap!...
$20 — Medical Jobs — 09-10-2018
I have 17 year's of experience with long term. I'm certifed by the state of New York . I can change depends,turn postion,feeding and be great companion.If you looking for someone that cares that me!...
Babysitting — 09-10-2018
Infinity of Gerritsen Beach Pre-K For All is offering families who register with us for 2 free additional hours of care per day. Children will enjoy art/music/cooking and outdoor recration while atte...
Professional Services — 09-10-2018
Steam cleaning carpets and upholstery, prices vary by job, (but we are the most affordable and thorough out there) starting at $40 for your first room. $28.00 for each additional room. Deodorizer and ...
Lawn and Garden — 09-10-2018
Diesel with 5500 hrs on engine. large tires, tow hitch, spraying equipment,fertilizer and seed attachments...
Motorcycle — 09-10-2018
FOR SALE: motor scooter. Lance Cali classic 50 nearly new less than 50 miles excellent condition. Reason for selling medical problem. $1900 oe B/O ...
Free Stuff — 09-10-2018
In desperate desperate need a full size box spring only would need delivered to the lackawana NY ...
Truck — 09-09-2018
truck cap 6.5 feet long came off Nissan titan king cab 250.00 good condition...
Home and Furnitures — 09-09-2018
Rattan peacock chairs set off 42 captain (side arm chairs)2 side chairs (no side arms)Good condition ...
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