Classifieds - New York

Auto Body Technician offer General Labor

Auto Body Technician

General Labor

Need an auto body technician to repair dent and prime damage vehicles....

multiple locations Buffalo East 14211,14209,14206 Roommates needed. offer Roomate Wanted

multiple locations Buffalo East 14211,14209,14206 Roommates needed.

Roomate Wanted

Roommates needed . Rent would be $350.00 per month. Security Deposit required. willing to work with on security dep. [payment arrangement] includes Utilities and cable and WiFi an added bonus for rent...

Heavy equipment offer Items For Sale

Heavy equipment

Items For Sale

2011, 20 ton cam tilt trailer, 350 jd dozer 3200 hours 6 way blade, 2005 c-11 cat excavator w/ 1500 hours, 2006 410 G jd backhoe ext hoe ,w/4&1 front bucket and forked, w/3200: hours ...

Hand painted silk scarf new offer Clothes

Hand painted silk scarf new


reloading offer Sporting Goods


Sporting Goods

Nosler 7mm-08 brass New boxes of 50 $35.00 each///Nosler 7mm 140 grain accubond $25.00 each/// Nosler 150 grain Ballistic tip $23.00 each///Federal large rifle primers (210) 1000 count $25.00///Fede...

Two bedroom for rent offer House For Rent

Two bedroom for rent

House For Rent

We have a couple of places to rent in Bernhard bay New York...

Store for rent offer Commercial Lease

Store for rent

$700Commercial Lease

800 sq feet of retail space in high traffic area of central and Lexington in Albany. Convenience store and Beaty salon in same building. Plus utilities...

GE French doors, bottom freezer white for sale offer Appliances

GE French doors, bottom freezer white for sale


Refrigerator is 33 inches wide, 34 inches deep and 68 inches high. It is a General Electric refrigerator, 2 and 1/2 years old, in perfect condition. I am moving and can't fit it into my new kitchen...

pallets for sale 40 x48 offer Items For Sale

pallets for sale 40 x48

Items For Sale

Your current supplier has no pallets for you. WE DO!!!!! We have A-grade and B-grade. Call for pricing 716-937-0262. Pick up or delivery (min. 60)...

Twin size sleepy’s matress and a dinning set. offer Home and Furnitures

Twin size sleepy’s matress and a dinning set.

Home and Furnitures

Matress in good condition with zipper covert asking $150 and dinning set 4 chairs $80...

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