Classifieds - Albany

Car racks offer Sporting Goods

Car racks

Sporting Goods

Car racks hold up to 150 lbs. Kayak etc....

House sale everything must go offer Home and Furnitures

House sale everything must go

Home and Furnitures

Tvs, beds, furniture,table set solid oak, dishes, appliances everything must go relocating ...

C.n.a nursing assistant p.c.a  offer Medical Jobs

C.n.a nursing assistant p.c.a

$20Medical Jobs

I have 17 year's of experience with long term. I'm certifed by the state of New York . I can change depends,turn postion,feeding and be great companion.If you looking for someone that cares that me!...

Kenmore Washer Dryer offer Appliances

Kenmore Washer Dryer


Stacked Kenmore Washer Dryer. 1 year old. $400.00...

Bohemium peacock rattan chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Bohemium peacock rattan chairs

Home and Furnitures

Rattan peacock chairs set off 42 captain (side arm chairs)2 side chairs (no side arms)Good condition ...

AVON REPRESENTATIVES  offer Sales Marketing Jobs


Sales Marketing Jobs

I am looking for 5 Avon reps.Work from home . Own your own business. $25.00 sign up. Earn free product and other great incentives!!Contact: Linda Jackson LINDA'S AVON EMPIRE

17' Lowe Fishing Boat offer Boat

17' Lowe Fishing Boat


A 17' Lowe Aluminum Fishing Boat for sale in great conditions with 4 stoke Honda 40 Horse Power motor with about 125 hrs?. Includes trailer, seats and sun cover...

3 Family Yard Sale offer Community

3 Family Yard Sale


Large Yard Sale 3 Families...

1994 yamaha jetski offer Boat

1994 yamaha jetski


I have a 1994 yamaha jetski. I have the paper work in hand it runs great ready for water. ...

Tattoo set up offer Appliances

Tattoo set up


2 machines,power supplies ,needles and 20 bottles of ink .the tattoo machines are worth $400 apiece.great deal...

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