Auto Electric Mechanic Wanted
Auto Services — 07-24-2018
Expert needed to resolve problem with Honda Civic LX 64742002. call 702-622-6474....
Auto Services — 07-24-2018
Expert needed to resolve problem with Honda Civic LX 64742002. call 702-622-6474....
Car — 07-23-2018
Runs great, new battery, clean title, passes smog, cold A/C....
$600 — Home and Furnitures — 07-23-2018
Only have had for 2 years need to sell and get out of living room. Works perfectly plug in electrical bed with attached remote control that is made of sturdy metal and plastic headboard footboard guar...
Truck — 07-23-2018
1967 Toyota stout pick up runs is a rare find. 1900 2rz motor and trans swap from Toyota Tacoma. Title in hand. Gas tank in bed truck new tires no smog needed due to year. Husband will be here to answ...
$150 — Garage and Moving Sale — 07-22-2018
Base is 30" wide x 48" long. Base has foot operated hydraulic pump to lift base to as much as 36" above floor. Condition like new. Handle for ease of pulling. Electrical outlet for plugin and electric...
$500 — Auto Parts — 07-22-2018
Steel frame with wood bed. Like new tires. Ready to roll....
$500 — Garage and Moving Sale — 07-22-2018
Metal base frame with built-up wood frame. Like new tires. Ready to roll....
$2800 — Truck — 07-21-2018
5 speed manual, 4WDRebuilt motor with 37,000 miles on it.No rust, Good leather interior, 5 new tires, new headlinerRuns well, Registered in NV 2018,...
House For Rent — 07-20-2018
Two-story home with 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms and a big loft upstairs. Master bedroom downstairs. granite countertops in the kitchen and tile flooring in wet areas. Silverado Ranch location near sch...
$500 — Roomate Wanted — 07-20-2018
Southeast valley location Tropicana and Nellis Area. 5325 East Tropicana. Vue Apts. Contact Bob at 702-609-6040 in the afternoon....
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