Classifieds - Minnesota

Shiner Shane Detail  offer Auto Services

Shiner Shane Detail

Auto Services

Competition pricing We do the works inside outside to even waxing it we make it shine I have pictures below of work that I have done... Best price in town... Nikki and shane Nikki# 32022485...

Sale offer Tools



Hand tools, power tools and more...

Motorcycle boots offer Deals

Motorcycle boots


Black,size 9, see picture...

Leather motorcycle jacket offer Deals

Leather motorcycle jacket


Black leather with fringes,size small new and picture attached...

Leather motorcycle jacket offer Clothes and Shoes

Leather motorcycle jacket

Clothes and Shoes

Black, size WS rust lining, all snaps, picture attached...

37 Plymouth $8,000 offer Car

37 Plymouth $8,000


Customized 1937 Plymouth coupe 350 chev motor 350 trans. Moving must sell $8,000. Ron 612 789 4071....

1998 GMC truck  offer Truck

1998 GMC truck


Sierra 1500 v8,automatic, heavy half ton, runs good , as is, $800.00. text 952-212-8302...

pony saddle offer Sporting Goods

pony saddle

$100Sporting Goods

pony saddle in excellent condition...

Hot tub heater offer Home and Furnitures

Hot tub heater

$250Home and Furnitures

A 5.5 Coates swimming pool and spa heater Model #12406ST...

pedal boat offer Free Stuff

pedal boat

Free Stuff

seats 4, rudder needs to be replacedYours to pick up....

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