Shiner Shane Detail
Auto Services — 06-22-2019
Competition pricing We do the works inside outside to even waxing it we make it shine I have pictures below of work that I have done... Best price in town... Nikki and shane Nikki# 32022485...
Auto Services — 06-22-2019
Competition pricing We do the works inside outside to even waxing it we make it shine I have pictures below of work that I have done... Best price in town... Nikki and shane Nikki# 32022485...
Deals — 06-20-2019
Black leather with fringes,size small new and picture attached...
Clothes and Shoes — 06-20-2019
Black, size WS rust lining, all snaps, picture attached...
Car — 06-19-2019
Customized 1937 Plymouth coupe 350 chev motor 350 trans. Moving must sell $8,000. Ron 612 789 4071....
Truck — 06-17-2019
Sierra 1500 v8,automatic, heavy half ton, runs good , as is, $800.00. text 952-212-8302...
$250 — Home and Furnitures — 06-15-2019
A 5.5 Coates swimming pool and spa heater Model #12406ST...
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