Classifieds - Grand Rapids

2017 Toyota Tacoma offer Truck

2017 Toyota Tacoma


TRD Sport, Access Cab, 4WD, Red, Trifold Bed Cover, Hood Ventilation, 16 inch wheels, 6,800 miles.Price $31,250 firm, this is a leased vehicle, please don't contact me in hopes of paying less....

Oak Entertainment Center offer Home and Furnitures

Oak Entertainment Center

$100Home and Furnitures

Solid oak entertainment center. Real glass and well built. ...

Washer Dryer Set offer Appliances

Washer Dryer Set


LG Smart Drum Washer and Whirlpool Electric Dryer. Dryer may need relay switch....

Lost Bible offer Community

Lost Bible


Lost compact red bible with name inscribed on front in gold....

2002 Mercury. Gran Marquis LS offer Car

2002 Mercury. Gran Marquis LS


Don't miss this one!! Mom quit driving. Original owner. Perfect!! NEW tires,brakes, Runs great!battery, tie rods, ball joints, starter,on and on. ...

Free to GOOD HOME ONLY offer Free Stuff


Free Stuff

6 chickens.3 were rescue birds.I have to relocate to another state.Serious injury only....

House for rent , Monroe, Michigan offer House For Rent

House for rent , Monroe, Michigan

$1095House For Rent

3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Living room, dining room, first floor laundry, full basement, garage and fenced back yard.$1095 first month rent and $1095 security deposit. Monore Twp....

Riding lawnmower  offer Lawn and Garden

Riding lawnmower

$75Lawn and Garden

11horse 38inch deck needs new belt and battery ...

75 Gal tank offer Free Stuff

75 Gal tank

Free Stuff

75 Gal fish tank; Has everything besides a heater,if you're going to use it as a Fish tank: I was trying to sell it for $100.00 or best offer. If interested; My house number is 517)641-6714. Please c...

House cleaning offer Job Wanted

House cleaning

Job Wanted

Hello, are you looking for a great person to clean your home or maybe an elderly loved one well I am available with flexible hours to do house cleaning and laundry. Willing to use my cleaning supplies...

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