The homes contents had to be moved To a huge indoor location. Collectibles, Antiques, ephemera, so much you just need to come see it...!
We are holding it
MARCH 14TH 10 TO 5
15TH 10 TO 5
Several linear feet of white oak boards from 4 to 8 inches wide with varying lengths from 6 to 8 feet & planed on four sides. Many are rough with several knots although grade one lumber may be easily...
Perfect working condition, runs on Battery or Electric. Can be connected to TV or Computer and used to watch the videos you record or other Vhs Videos.Has Battery Charger, Attachable Light, Records So...
Kidventure ChiIdcare Center is now enrolling. Looking for affordable childcare? call us! 1866 kvkidz1...
I used this maybe four times. Paid $49.99 asking $25.00 cash only...
$100 — Home and Furnitures —
Three piece hutch with corner cabinet...
Like new, very comfortable, soft fabric. No rips or stains, zippered cushions that are washable. Buyer must remove sectional....
BeautifulHammond B3 organ with custom leslie147 speaker. Acquired from a collector who bought it from a local church. It has been securely stored for the last15 years The serial number is 9)578 whic...
Blower motor with misc venting pieces and sheeting asking $40...