Classifieds - Michigan

First two months rent free available from 24th June  offer Apartment For Rent

First two months rent free available from 24th June

Apartment For Rent

I want to sub-lease my apartment in Fairlane Meadows. It's well equipped . It’s a 1 Bedroom 1 bathroom apartment (without furniture). Washer and Dryer inside the apartment. Electricity and Gas extra....

2BR Condo in East Lansing  offer Condo For Rent

2BR Condo in East Lansing

Condo For Rent

Share 2BR Condo in East Lansing with active retired professional. Private locked bedroom. Completely furnished with washer and dryer. 2 miles from MSU campus. Close to Eastwood Town Center and Mei...

Quite married couple offer Rental Wanted

Quite married couple

Rental Wanted

Quite married couple looking for a room to rent in battle creek area have a small cat looking to move by the 3rd of July ...

bob cat 873 offer Lawn and Garden

bob cat 873

$10750Lawn and Garden

I have a very nice bob cat 873 two new tires 248 3765121...

bulk rock salt offer Lawn and Garden

bulk rock salt

Lawn and Garden

I have 10,000 tons of clean white rock salt setting on a dock in Detroit call for price brian 248 3765121...

3 Dollar General  store manager polos offer Clothes

3 Dollar General store manager polos


3 never worn men's XL polos. First time I took one out of the bag for the pictures. $30...

Dry herb Vaporizer  offer Computers and Electronics

Dry herb Vaporizer

Computers and Electronics

Used a few times. Work great just not my thing. $50...

Smart blue ray player with 6 movie's  offer Computers and Electronics

Smart blue ray player with 6 movie's

Computers and Electronics

Samsung blue ray player with lan line for internet connection. NOT A WIFI DEVICE you need to plug your internet lan line in the back to get the apps to work. Made may 2018. 6 blue ray movies. All for ...

Sofa and 2 accent chairs  offer Home and Furnitures

Sofa and 2 accent chairs

$350Home and Furnitures

Sofa and 2 accent chairs in very good condition. ...

Clear offer Motorcycle



1994 Escapade Trailer. Chrome wheels, Chrome tongue, Rear light bar, Front bra, Luggage rack, Cooler rack, Spare tire, Air shocks, 26 Cubic Ft, Mud flaps, Carpet inside,. $2200....

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