Handy man
Service Wanted — 08-29-2019
Looking for work: Demolition House cleaning Lawn care Fixing stuff Dog care Very good with hands take time an pride in my work an will make sure job is to satisfaction...
Service Wanted — 08-29-2019
Looking for work: Demolition House cleaning Lawn care Fixing stuff Dog care Very good with hands take time an pride in my work an will make sure job is to satisfaction...
$120 — Items For Sale — 08-29-2019
Composed of (3) layers of Polypropylene Plus which offers the best water protection , making the cover 100% waterproof. One (1) layer of super soft cotton fleece coating which touches the car and prot...
$9000 — Van — 08-28-2019
Mini van for sale red/gray interior in excellent condition and runs great. Location is in Dearborn Michigan. Call Justine at 313-929-7881...
Sporting Goods — 08-27-2019
1985 Maste craft ski boat with trailer...all in good condition...runs great...Shore master lift...ski & wakeboard accessories...
$3900 — Boat — 08-27-2019
Great buy on a Wellcraft Eclipse Open Bow Speed Boat, 19'. It has a 6 cyl. Volvo/Penta I/O, which runs great. Boat comes with a non-plated Load Rite single axle trailer. Price is below NADA pricing...
$3900 — Boat — 08-27-2019
Great buy on a 19' Wellcraft Eclipse Open Bow Speed Boat. It has a 6 cyl. Volvo/Penta I/O which runs great. Boat comes with a non-plated Load Rite Single Axle Trailer. Price is below NADA guideline...
Auto Services — 08-26-2019
Have current licenses and work at a local shop, need to pick up some extra work. Some things I don't have the equipment to do outside the shop like alignment and things of that nature but anything els...
Motorcycle — 08-25-2019
$5500 cash Ultra Classic Blue Original MILAEGE 14,700 new tires oil change and tune up not a scratch VERY CLEAN 2001. Never dropped no accidents....
Items For Sale — 08-25-2019
Pop-up Camper. 1998 Viking 8.5 feet long folded; opens to 16 feet. Good shape; has stove, sink with faucet, furnace. Very nice interior. Outer has an attached awning, bike rack on roof, new wheel...
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