Classifieds - Boston

HUGE MOVING SALE SUNDAY JUNE 24, 2018 offer Garage and Moving Sale


Garage and Moving Sale

Antiques, Vintage, Marble Mantle Clock, Large Deco Mirror, Ship Oil Painting, Broyhill Bedroom Set, Bar, Pub Table, Bar Stools, Bookcases, Books(some old), Set of Vintage China, Much More!!...

web designer offer IT Jobs

web designer

IT Jobs

Our existing website needs updating. We are looking for someone to review and provide proposals for new look and to install the same. Work may be performed offsite, no set time limits. Costs to be ...

Lawn Mower offer Lawn and Garden

Lawn Mower

$25Lawn and Garden

Good running condition...

landscaper offer Professional Services


Professional Services

landscape commercial and residential property...

Magic chef portable washer offer Appliances

Magic chef portable washer


portable washer model MCSTCW16w2 new condition...

free storm door w/ screen and storm window offer Home and Furnitures

free storm door w/ screen and storm window

Home and Furnitures

Free 80 x 36 storm door (minor crack) with 1/2 window and screen. Wayland MA. Painted dark green. ...

Vinyl fence offer Lawn and Garden

Vinyl fence

Lawn and Garden

4 sec,toons of vinyl fence 4ft .6ft 7.5 ft 7.5ft...

Huge sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Huge sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Books, CDs, DVDs, kitchen items, table, lamp, fans, bicycle, many more items. Saturday June 23rd. 8:30am - 1pm. In driveway. West Roxbury...

Are you an out of work MECHANIC? offer Auto Services

Are you an out of work MECHANIC?

Auto Services

Are You An Out Of Work MECHANIC??Publish Date: 06-15-2018 10:56:58 | Contact: Djae (see all posting) | Location: Massachusetts 02081 |Place: Walpole | 1 times displayed |I have a 2005 Hyundai Accent t...

Shared Home with Roommates/Room for Rent $660.00 offer Roomate Wanted

Shared Home with Roommates/Room for Rent $660.00

Roomate Wanted

4 bedroom home, shared common area, 2 baths, 2 kitchens one on each floor, each renter has their own large size refrigeration in room, full closet, laundry, cable, air conditioner included, non-smoker...

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