Part Time — 05-06-2018
Partime Janitorial Work, Must be Dependable and have Own Transportation. Hardworker and experience A must. 4-5 hours a day. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are Definite. starting at 13 per hour and up. O...
Part Time — 05-06-2018
Partime Janitorial Work, Must be Dependable and have Own Transportation. Hardworker and experience A must. 4-5 hours a day. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are Definite. starting at 13 per hour and up. O...
$250 — Home and Furnitures — 05-06-2018
I have several pieces of Cedar furniture for sale. Five draw dressers $250.00, three futons, two green & one deep maroon, 250.00 each. Three side tables, no draws $75.00 each. ...
$400 — Home and Furnitures — 05-06-2018
I have for sale in great condition a duel twin trundle bed with study area & storage area in back. Unit has been dismantled for the purpose of moving it to new location. Made from pine. There are no m...
Home and Furnitures — 05-06-2018
I have for sale, several pieces of Cedar furniture. Two dressers with five draws each, an amwor dresser with two draws beneath, your choice $250.00 I also have Three futons with cedar sides connected...
Auto Services — 05-06-2018
Front brakes and rotors $100 all 4 $150 oil changes $20 prices do not include parts, oil,oil components ...
Tickets — 05-06-2018
2 RAVENS PSL's SECTION 513LOOK RIGHT THROUGH THE GOAL POST$4000 or BEST REASONABLE OFFER includes this season's tickets and PSL's cash or bank check...
Home and Furnitures — 05-06-2018
full size sofa bed. $75.00 or best offer. YOU HAUL. AS ISBY APPOINTMENT ONL...
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