Two bedroom apartment oldport
Apartment For Rent — 05-10-2019
Brand new renovated 2 bedroom condo downtown Portland old port footsteps from all the restaurants and bars...
Apartment For Rent — 05-10-2019
Brand new renovated 2 bedroom condo downtown Portland old port footsteps from all the restaurants and bars...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-08-2019
I have 2 Ford 19.5 6 lugnut rims $25.00 each I also have a motor and transmission as a unit big block Ford 460 $1500.00 has 15635 miles on it....
$350 — Items For Sale — 05-06-2019
New 19ft vinyl add on screen room w/ instructions, poles, storage tote..call 582-3740 or 441-8805..Gardiner area ...
Home and Furnitures — 05-05-2019
Bar height table is 42” high. Top is 36”x36”. Composite top with chrome legs. The table doesn’t fold. You’ll need a pick up to take it way. ...
$11000 — Car — 05-02-2019
1991 chev corvette with 75,513 orginal miles w/glass roof top comes off, light blue, inside black leather w/ 350 engine,elec. seats runs excellent asking 11,000 or best offer. please call only if ser...
Auto Services — 04-30-2019
I need someone with a truck to move a 6 foot couch. No lifting or moving required, just the service of truck and driver. Today aor tomorrow after 4. Please email deniseannne@gmail.compays 40$ local tr...
Cleaning Services — 04-29-2019
Business Cleaning and Home Cleaning.Professional resultsReasonable Price.Whether you have a full office space with restrooms you need cleaned or one room in your home.I clean anything,You have a car t...
Items For Sale — 04-28-2019
Lightly used knee scooter great alternative instead of crutches. Used while recovering from ankle surgery. Paid $110 sell for $60. Rated for 300 lbs. ...
Musical Instrument — 04-27-2019
Brand new Speaker Mackie and Behringer mixer + cables to connect them. Mackie model SRM 350V2, powered speaker, with volume in the back, wght 20 lbs. + 20 inches High and 12 inches wide Behringe...
Musical Instrument — 04-26-2019
This is a used Allen organ in good condition. The only cost would be to transport it to your location. It comes with original speakers plus speakers we purchased but never used. Came from a church wh...
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