"Cargo van"we do deliveries and moving assistance
Moving Services — 06-24-2019
You load it we deliver it for you . Reasonable rates email for more information. HuckleberryPiePies@gmail.com...
Moving Services — 06-24-2019
You load it we deliver it for you . Reasonable rates email for more information. HuckleberryPiePies@gmail.com...
Car — 06-13-2019
This has just shy of 163000 miles recently passed inspection selling, because my daughter upgraded. It runs well and gets great gas mileage. It has some door dings and the seats are stained and driver...
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-08-2019
Tools, TV, Furniture, Stereo Equipment, Microwave, Décor, Sewing Machine, Workout/Sports Equipment, Books, Movies, Men, Women, Children's Clothes, Shoes and much more. Too much to list. 8am-2pm.31301 ...
Arts — 06-05-2019
Imported Greek evzone doll. 15 inches tall with display case....
Home and Furnitures — 06-05-2019
3 chime Sligh grandfather clock. Works great. Beautiful condition. model 1826-1-AV...
RV — 05-28-2019
2014 Rockwood by Forest River Windjammer 2809w. Loaded with less than 5K towing miles in excellent condition. Suggested retail price $30,274.55 (NADA guidelines). Asking only $15,490 or best offer....
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-28-2019
Come out and join us June 1st for the annual Sunpoint Neighborhood Garage sale, some of our neighbors will be having a pre-sale May 31st so be sure to come out and visit us. We will have everything fr...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-15-2019
Garage Sale: Apartment sized refrigator, tools, electric stove, wood futon, recliners, Barbies (nrfb) and lots of other items. 3 family sale...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-12-2019
Moving into a smaller space, need to sell many nice things. Everything must go! We only have one day to get rid of it all, so come get it! Cash only please.5/18/19 Sat only 8am. 8214 Somerset Dr, Pr...
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