Full time positions , working with children. Flexable schedule,competitive pay structure.Great enviorment. Hiring teachers,aids,asst director and cook. Foward your resume or contact info to lcd11365@g...
Hay for sale: Alfalfa, Orchard grass,Timothy,Clover mixtures, small square bales. $4.00 per bale. call 641-780-5151 ....
All appliances new paint outside. Fenced back yard. Garage. ...
$40 — Health and Beauty —
BioMed Revived TENS/EMS pain relief. Relaxes muscles, is powered by batteries. Purchased new: used once. In perfect condition. Includes 6 reusable electrodes.Cash and carry. AAA batteries included. ...
~ 4 pallets/512 pcs.~ reed, green, browns~ undamaged~ make an offer!~515.249.0774...
~ 4 pallets/512 pcs.~ red, green, browns~ undamaged~ 515.249.0774...
Finger Pot Holders are great to use for microwave or toaster oven. $ 5.00 a pair. Add 50 cents more for magnets. Also make handle holders for cast iron pans. Please call Peggy @ 563-579-4402 to order ...
$500 — Items For Sale —
Seagrams 7 Large Round Bar Light.Has picture on both sides.No damage.
$500.00 OBO...
66 chevy pu short bed need restore sitting in garage last 14 years.Rally wheels,new floor pans ,cab corners rocker panels, lot of extra parts 283 V8 4 speed it run Steve 402-490-6326 $3700.00 OBO....
$100 — Tools —
Bostitch Floor Stapler. Like new!In box, used once....