Classifieds - Indiana

baby monitor offer Kid Stuff

baby monitor

$100Kid Stuff

Angelcare baby monitor...

Beech Grove offer House For Rent

Beech Grove

House For Rent

2 bedroom/1 bath house for rent in Beech Grove Patio Deck and Garage with remote $895 per month...

Whirlpool washer and dryer offer Appliances

Whirlpool washer and dryer


Whirpool washer and dryer good shape...

2015 Fiat 500e offer Car

2015 Fiat 500e


Electric vehicle driven everyday. ...

Crystal Glasses offer Garage and Moving Sale

Crystal Glasses

Garage and Moving Sale

Long stem crystal wine glasses. 9 tall and 3 short. Excellent condition. Make an offer. ...

Corning ware offer Garage and Moving Sale

Corning ware

Garage and Moving Sale

Corning ware from the 70s. Wheat and flower decorations. In good condition. 15 pieces all together. $200 or will accept best offer. ...

Own your own Dental Instrument Sharpening Business offer Professional Services

Own your own Dental Instrument Sharpening Business

$5000Professional Services

Sharpen Dental Instruments by mail order or on-site or both. High demand and profitable. I have the machines, and will provide training. I can assist with your website or sell you mine. Pricing is neg...

TREK 7700 MultiTrack bicycle and GIANT stationary trainer w/CycleOps front-wheel mount offer Sporting Goods

TREK 7700 MultiTrack bicycle and GIANT stationary trainer w/CycleOps front-wheel mount

$600Sporting Goods

Immaculate condition TREK 7700 MultiTrack bicycle w/GIANT indoor stationary trainer and CycleOp front-wheel mount. Offered at less than half of original cost. XL Frame. Bontrager and Shimano compone...

Hay for Sale offer Lawn and Garden

Hay for Sale

Lawn and Garden

4' x 5' Round bales of alfalfa / grass mix. Mostly grass. No rain. Always in barn. Net wrapped. Bales weigh 600-700 lbs.40 bales available. $75 per bale....

Bunk beds offer Free Stuff

Bunk beds

Free Stuff

My name is Deanna I am a single mother of six children and i am in need of bunk beds please email me at

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