Affordable Tree Removal
Home Services — 01-27-2019
Will remove your unwanted Tree at an affordable price!...
Home Services — 01-27-2019
Will remove your unwanted Tree at an affordable price!...
Moving Services — 01-22-2019
We move, ship, and deliver local and long distance at reasonable rates. ...
Appliances — 01-22-2019
newly factory refurbished,,near mint condition,,only 2.5 years old,,i dont need 2 dryers,i just got it back from being serviced from the factory,,new belt and anything that needed replacement was done...
Apartment For Rent — 01-19-2019
1 ROOM FURISHED EFF apt basic util inc starting at $295 mo $100 sd NO PETS do not text or e mil me as I will not & cannot respond...
Apartment For Rent — 01-19-2019
163 w Tompkins 2 br 1 ba large gd floor apartment basic appl & util inc $595 mo $595 sd 1 yr lease NO PETS please do not text or e mail me as I CANNOT & WILL NOT RESPOND 3093376552...
$80 — Items For Sale — 01-15-2019
Wore them maybe once. I recently got a lot of shoes for Christmas and just want to make some money....
Items For Sale — 01-15-2019
Must stay on property when finished lot rent $220 a month includes water and trash pick up 480-203-6613...
Home and Furnitures — 01-13-2019
Custom made solid mahogany wood TV and stereo entertainment center... 84 1/2” H, 43” W, 26” D. Cost was $1450...will sell for $350. Extremely heavy...professional movers suggested...
Home and Furnitures — 01-10-2019
I have had this for sometime..and its time to let it go...it works but might need some minor repair. it does static when I first turn it on..but dont know if its the wiring or not. its has am/fm/casse...
Truck — 01-08-2019
2010 International BusNeeds Engine 85,???new front tires last year less than 5000 mi.interior in good shape...
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